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Welcome to this fully renovated 4 bedroom, 2 full bath home, located in a refreshing neighborhood near Brookings ElementarySchool, where many new homes are being built. Newly designed open floor layout on the first floor provides a spacious newkitchen and dining area with high quality cabinets, granite countertops and brand-new stainless-steel appliances. First floor offers2 bedrooms and 1 full bathroom. The stairs lead you to the second floor that has another 2 bedrooms and 1 full bathroom. Allbedrooms and bathrooms have been updated throughout! Enclosed front and rear porches are an added value along with a fencedyard providing safety for kids and pets! One detached garage located at the end of driveway. This house is a must see and won’tlast for long! Brand-new gas furnace and piping installed which gives $9k value immediately to the property. Please send the best and highest offer by Tuesday 3/5/2024 12PM.

Property Details of 23 Foster Street

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