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This charming New England farmhouse sits on 129 acres of land and features a large working barn, professional woodshop, and sugar shack. The farmhouse has been updated over the years and boasts a custom kitchen with hand-planed cabinets, a separate pantry, and an antique wood cooking stove. It offers historic charm alongside modern conveniences. The property includes four bedrooms, 2 Ā½ baths, and a barn with several outbuildings, fenced grazing land and large pastures. Additionally, there are trails for hiking, biking, and snowshoeing, providing opportunities for outdoor activities. The location is convenient, being only a few minutes away from Berkshire East, Mt. Snow, fly fishing, and white-water rafting/kayaking on the Deerfield River. It's also close to I-91. This well-maintained property caters to a variety of interests and has something for everyone.

Property Details of 61 Sumner Stetson Road

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